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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

7th Pay Commission implementation Order

  Jnyanabhandar       Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Implementation of the recommendations
of the Seventh State Pay Commission

READ: 1. G.O.No. F'D 06 SRP 2018 dated: 01.03.2018
2. G.O.No. I.'D 45 SRP 2022 dated:19.11.2022
The Seventh State Pay Commission constituted by the State Govemment
vide G.O. dated 19.11.2022 read, at (2) above has submitted Volume-l of its
Report regarding revision of pay and allowances and pension of State
Government employees.
'l'he Govemment has considered the recommendations of the 7th State
Pay Commission contained in Volurne-l of the Report. Accordingly, the
following orders are issued.
BANGAI,ORE, DA'I'ED 22'.t JUI,Y 2024
The recommendations of the 71h State Pay Commission on revision of
Master Scale and standard pay scales are accepted by the State Govemment.
Accordingly, Govemment are pleased to irnplernent the Revised Master Scale
and the Revised twenty five standard pay scales as recommended by the 71h State
Pay Commission with cffect lrom 0l .07.2022.
2. Ihe revised Master Scale and the revised 25 standard pay scales are as
indicated below:
I. Revised Master Scale: Rs.27000-650-29600-725-32500-800-35700-
900-39300- r 000-43 300- l 125-47800-1250-52800- I 3 75-58300- 1 500-
64300-1650-74200- I 900-85 600-2300-99400-2700- r 1 5600-3 I 00-
1 34200-3500- r 55200-4000- t7 9200-4500-206200-5000-241200

3. The pay in thc revised pay scales shall be fixed as provided below:-
(a) Basic pay in the existing pay scale as on 01.07 .2022.
(b) Dearness Allowance of 3lo/o admissible at index level of 361.704
points i.e. DA as on 01.07 .2022.
(c) Fitment benefit of 27.50o/o of basic pay as on 01.07.2022.
(d) After computing the total of (a), (b) and (c), the pay may be fixed
in the revised scale at the stage next above the amount so computed.
The monetary benefit on account ol implementation of the Revised Pay Scales
shall be admissible from l" August 2024.
4. The Govemment are also pleased to accept the recommendations of the
7th State Pay Commission regarding revision of Pension and Pensionary benefits.
Accordingly, the minimum and maximum Pension shall be revised from the
existing Rs.8500/- p.m. and Rs.75,3001 p.m. to Rs. 13,500/- p.m' and
Rs.1,20,600/- p.m. respectively and the corresponding Family Pension from
the existing Rs.8,500/- p.m. and Rs.45,1801 p.m. to Rs.13,500/- p.m. and
Rs.80,400/- p.m. respectively. The Revised Pension and Family Pension are
effective from 0 1 .07.2022. The monetary benefi t on account of such revision of
Pension shall be admissible from 01.08.2024. However, there will be no change
in the existing ceiling limit on DCRG benefit at Rs.20.00 lakhs.
" 5: ' The Pen-sion/Family Pension of the Government servants who have retired
or died while in service prior to 0l .07 .2022 shall be fixed as provided below:-
a) Basic pension/family pension as on 01.07 .2022
b) Dearness allowance of 31o/oason01.07.2022
c) 27 .50Yo of basic pension/family pension as on 01.07 .2022
The total of (a) r- (b) + (c) above will be subject to a minimum of
Rs.13,500/- per month for pension and family pension and the maximum pension
Rs.1,20,600/- per month in respect of pension and Rs.80,400/- per month in
respect of family pension. The monetary benefit on account of such revision of
Pension shall be admissible from 01.08.2024.
6. The recommendations of the Pay Commission pertaining to revision of
Allowances attached to pay viz., HRA and CCA, Medical Allowance and the
recommendations pertaining to revised formula for calculation of Deamess
Allowance in the revised pay and pension are accepted. The existing rate of
Charge Allowance will continue to appty in the revised pay scales.

7 .
'lhe recommendations peftaining to the enhancement of the employees
contribution towards Ernployees Group Insurance Scheme are accepted.
8. Govemment is also pleased to extend the above benefits mutatis- mutandis
to the employees of the Aided Educational Institutions, local bodies and
non-teaching staff of the Universities.
9. Furlher, the increase in Pay and Allowances on account of the revision of
pay scales as provided abovc shall be payable in cash lrom 01.08.2024. In cases
where a Govemment servant has retired from service or died while in service or
ceased to be in service during the period between01.07 .2022 and31.07 .2024,the
pay ofthe employee fixed notionally in the revised pay scale shall be taken into
account for the purpose of calculation of pension/family pension. The monetary
benefit of such notional rc-fixation shall accrue to the retired Govemment servant
or the beneficiary ol the deceased Government servanl with effect from
01.08.2024 as the casc may be.
10. Allocation of the revised pay scales and consequent regulation ofpay and
pension therein will be govemed by detailed Rules, Orders and instructions to
be issued by the Governrnent separately.


Thanks for reading 7th Pay Commission implementation Order

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