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Monday, January 1, 2024

FSL SOSO Provisional Selection List 2023

  Jnyanabhandar       Monday, January 1, 2024
FSL SOSO Provisional Selection List 2023

In pursuance to the Notification dated: 18.12.2021 cited at reference(1), the recruitment
process to fill up 206 post of Scene of Crime Officer (SOCO) (NKK & KK) in Forensic Science
Laboratory and Regional Forensic Science Laboratories was initiated by adhering all the
procedures laid down in the Cadre and Recruitment Rules. As per the procedures the written
examination was conducted on 20.02.2022 to all the eligible candidates. After completing the
said process, provisional select list in the order of merit of candidates equal to the number of
vacancies notified should be prepared and published at ref (2). After this 0l candidate has been
rejected in document verification as the family income is exceeded. Hence the candidature ofthe
candidate has been cancelled vide cited at ref(3) and published the provisional select list ofnew
01 candidate vide cited at ref(4).
2. Due to the cancellation of the candidature of the candidate namely Kum. Javeria Famaz N.A,
(App1.No.7703550, Roll No. 3400326),01 post in Scene of Crime Oflicer (SOCO) has remained
unfilled. ln order to fill up 01 post, this Provisional Select List is being published with the
following conditions.

Click Here To Download List


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