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Sunday, July 9, 2023

Revised Main Panel for the post of TGTs in KVS through LDCE-2022

  Jnyanabhandar       Sunday, July 9, 2023

Subject: Revised Main Panel for the post of TGTs in KVS through LDCE-2022

In continuation to website notification dated 25.04.2023 vide which Select Panel (Main) for
the post of TGTs through LDCE was uploaded on KVS website. After the uploading of the panel on
KVS website, some representations were received from the teachers/Principals regarding correction
in the eligibility year.
Accordingly, all Deputy Commissioners were directed to issue instructions to the
Principal/Controlling Officer to check once again the eligibility of the candidates figuring the select
panel (main) for the post of TGTs.
Further, willingness from the candidates figuring in both the panel of TGT & HM was invited
and as per information received from the Deputy Commissioners, the following PRTs who are
figuring in the panel of TGTs have given their willingness to join as HM or Resigned/Died.
Accordingly, the names of these candidates has been excluded for preparation of the revised Panel:

Place : Karnataka

language: Kannada/English


Published Date:07-07-2023

Subject Format :Pdf/JPEG

Subject Size:2456kb

Pages :07

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Thanks for reading Revised Main Panel for the post of TGTs in KVS through LDCE-2022

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